Two new first floor cases were recently installed. The Utah Mining Association donated the cases and requested the approval of the Art Placement Subcommittee for designing their contents with the understanding that they will not control the contents forever. The designs must be approved by the Subcommittee before installation.
The new case contents with dinosaur bones and items found in an archaeological dig was designed in collaboration with the Utah Museum of Natural History. A press announcement detailed the contents but an education worksheet geared to 7th grade curriculum is in the works.
Nobel Prize winner Mario Copechi and his department and college at the University of Utah have (a) brought the interactive kiosk about bio-genetic studies and Professor Copechi to be on loan to the Capitol for at least three years and (b) agreed to design the contents of one of the cases around great science/scientists in Utah and the Nobel Prize. The medal and scenes from the ceremony will be part of the case.
The People of Utah case designed in cooperation with the Living Traditions and Chase Home Museum in Liberty Park is complete. Text labels should be self-explanatory.
The case on the arts in Utah will be complete In the next few weeks. We have been working with Lila Abersold of the Art Council.
A case on the Supreme Court and famous cases heard in the Capitol’s Chamber is progressing. Actual court dockets and other memorabilia will be loaned from State History and Archives.
They are making a bound facsimile of the original docket and record showing the transition from a territorial court to a State of Utah Supreme Court. We have had superb help and support from Pat Bartholomew and other members of the Supreme Court.
The Visitor’s Center greeting room will have a new panel showing the U.S.S. Utah exhibit and the Gallery Guide and student worksheet. (The exhibit will be on the Fourth Floor until December 23, the date it was officially de-commissioned.)
The mahogany base recently installed in front of the Utah Capitol Store will hold a 3-D model of Pearl Harbor showing the final resting place of the U.S.S. Utah. The model will arrive as soon as the plexiglass cover is finished.
The Topographical Map will be re-installed as soon as we have either (a) updated the old map which is missing any new geographical or man-made/created improvements in the last twenty years since its creation or (b) identified a source and donor for a topographical map made from an image of the State of Utah from space. We made the decision not to install the old map as is for two reasons: It is not accurate; it lacks modern wiring and interactive descriptor panels.
The Freedom Shrine will be installed next to the Liberty Bell. It will feature an authentic 45-star flag and newly printed digital facsimile documents about the United States and Utah in new archival frames.
The Mormon Meteor will not return. John Price purchased the car from the Jenkins family, restored it and our understanding is that it is on loan to a car museum in Denver.
A new case, often referred to as “H” will shortly be installed in the middle of the Hall of Governors. It is a four-sided lighted case built in mahogany and glass. It will hold digital facsimile documents important to the state: the Enabling Act of Congress, the Petition for Statehood, the state Constitution and the Statehood Declaration from the Congress. Those are in process of production which takes a considerable amount of time to “build” quality facsimiles of lasting, convincing appearance. In addition, the case will hold several artifacts (such as the Great Seal of Utah and period photographs) connected to the history of the state.)
New brass and text labels for the governors have been written. Bids and designs for them are still in discussion.
Exterior Sculpture and Monuments
We have recently had some historical information on Massasoit which will shortly be supplied to you if it has not already been. We have selected new stone for the base, discussed the sculpture coming beck to the Capitol with Forest Cuch, sent the plaques to the foundry for repair and polish, and sent measurements of the existing base and the new space for the sculpture to the appropriate individuals and companies.
All plaques (including Fourth Floor Sculptures) will have been moved from the warehouse to the foundry by next week. They will be reinstalled as they become available.
The newest addition to plaza sculpture will be installed perhaps in early May. The sculpture is of Marriner S. Eccles.
The sculpture of Martha Hughes Cannon will be installed in the foyer entry of the Senate Building. She is currently at the foundry for repairs and cleaning.
We will make the appropriate press alerts and release whenever there is a new return or installation.
Fourth Floor Galleries

The U.S.S. Utah exhibit opened on the Fourth Floor on March 9, the date on which she was begun. Gallery Guides, more labels, educator materials will come on-line within the next two to three weeks.
The exhibit is sponsored by Ron Fox and Ephriam Dickson, of the Fort Douglas Military Museum, are guest curators. Ephriam, pictured at left in a vintage World War II uniform, has agreed to record a digital tour of the exhibit which can be downloaded to an MP3 player or Ipod.
We will send photos and documents to the web designer for CPB with links to other lending museums and historical societies.