Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Utah in the Union: The Story of the 45th State

Officially Opening MARCH 3, 2010!!!

On Statehood Day, Monday, January 4, 2010, the Capitol Preservation Board will begin the process of installing a newly developed free exhibit of documents, memorabilia, educator materials, artifacts and program called Utah in the Union: The Story of the 45th State, celebrating Utah’s 1896 entry into the Union.
The building-wide exhibition will be open from March 2010 through January 2011.The exhibit is specifically designed for Utah students and visitors to the state and those particularly curious about Utah’s history.
By March 3, 2010 – the day Utah Territorial Delegate of Congress Joseph Rawlins introduced the Enabling Act to the House of Representatives in Washington D.C., pushing Utah into statehood – all historical objects, educational display cases and vintage photographs related to Statehood will be in place throughout all areas of the Utah State Capitol.
Exhibits feature several major pieces relevant to Utah history. Objects of interest include an original 45 Star flag to be placed in the Freedom Shrine on the first floor of the Capitol, as well as one of the original copies of the Proceedings Utah Constitutional Convention, published in 1896. In addition, there will be a new 7.5 x 6 topographical map of Utah taken from space, more than 30 historic photographs of Statehood celebrations, and an interactive timeline illustrating Utah’s seven attempts to join the Union.
Capitol Curator Judith McConkie, PhD, stated, “We are indebted to scholars and collectors who have gone before,” she said. “The Utah State Capitol seems, however, a fitting place for assembling a free and educational exhibit throughout the Capitol, especially for school children studying the history of Utah and visitors to our state.”
The Capitol Preservation Board would like to give a special thanks to those who have helped contribute to this exciting and worthy exhibition: The Daughters of the Utah Pioneers, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints Church History Library, KUED, Utah State Historical Society and Archives, various state newspaper organizations and universities who have all contributed generously to the exhibition, helping to celebrate the 45th state.

Monday, December 28, 2009

The U.S.S. Utah Battleship Exhibit Continues

The free exhibition of the U.S.S. Utah battleship will continue to run until the beginning of February 2010. This exhibit, located on the 4th floor of the Utah State Capitol building, tells the story of the United States Navy’s largest battleship, later to become a training ship, which was to historically fall during the attack at Pearl Harbor.
Complete with beautifully arrayed display cases containing newspaper clippings, historical clothing, battleship artifacts and devises, and miniature replicas, as well as vintage photographs adorning the walls along the 4th floor galleries, this exhibit celebrates the history and significance of the U.S.S. Utah vividly.

No fee’s, appointments or tickets necessary. Just walk right in and view the exhibit at your own pace.
Check it out before it ends!!!!!!

U.S.S. Utah Brochure clippings.

This passage can be found inside the U.S.S. Utah exhibit brochure, available for free in the East entrance of the Utah State Capitol.Because the image is hard to read, the contents are as follows:

The name of the United States Navy’s largest battleship, referred to as a dreadnought because of its compliment of enormous guns, was announced by Theodore Roosevelt in 1903 from the pulpit of the Salt Lake Tabernacle.
Six years later, she was launched with the words, “I christen thee Utah! God Speed!” by Mary Alice Spry, the 18-year old daughter of Utah’s governor William Spray and who had just begun the ambitious project of constructing the new state house. Spry involved the children of Utah in the official commissioning of the ship—an event attended by the Tabernacle Choir and elected dignitaries—by asking each child for a ten-cent donation toward the traditional purchase of a full set of sterling silver serving pieces bearing the navy seal and Utah Scenes.
For more than two decades as part of the Atlantic Fleet, the ship’s crew knew hard work, danger, heroism and their fair share of fun. They stood at attention as well as at ease on a magnificent ship and until she was retrofitted and re-commissioned as what one historian called the “newest radio Frankenstein” of the Pacific—a target training ship—until she docked at Pear Harbor in December, 1941.

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Flag Highlights: How To Display the Flag--part 3

We will be offering a series of blogs that highlight different traditions, facts and important information about the United States Flag.These informational facts were taken from a Brochure published in 1966 and found at the Daughters of the Utah Pioneer Museum located next to the Utah State Capitol building.

In a Procession

When carried in a procession with another flag or flags, the flag of the United States should be either on the marching right, i.e., the flag's own right, or when there is a line of other flags the flag of the United States may be in front of the center of that line.
All words, grammar and word usage, has been taken directly from this 1966 brochure.

U.S.S. Utah exhibit Brochure!!

This brochure is available for free to all members of the Public and can be picked up at the East entrance of the Utah State Capitol next to the Visitor Services Center.



U.S.S. Still Open!!!

U.S.S. Utah Closing in February!

The FREE U.S.S. Utah exhibit has been extended until February 7th. This exhibition, located on the fourth floor of the Utah State Capitol building, celebrates the history and significance of one of the most famous battleships at Pearl Harbor.
With beautiful display cases containing newspaper clippings, clothing from crew members, battleship artifacts, and miniature replicas, as well as walls covered with historical photographs of the ship and its people, there is something for everyone.
Make sure you make it up to the Capitol to see this historically powered exhibit before it closes!

No fee’s, appointments or tickets necessary. Just walk right in and view the exhibit at your own pace.

Check it out before it ends!!!!!!

Monday, December 21, 2009

Preserving History in the news: UTA needs to get onboard with preservation.

taken from the Salt Lake Tribune
Written by Kirk Huffaker

UTA has a stated policy to environmental commitment on their Web site that includes broad statements such as "reduce, reuse, and recycle resources," "encourage citizen awareness and involvement in UTA's efforts to protect the environment," and "consider alternative effective solutions to environmental problems."
UTA is preparing to develop Salt Lake Central Station (the Intermodal Hub) for future growth that will come from southbound commuter rail and as many as four new light rail extensions. With all the positive emphasis on making good choices for our environment and our cities, how can it be an effective and responsible planning choice for UTA to demolish three historic buildings associated with the Denver & Rio Grande Railroad at the Intermodal Hub?
It wasn't even 50 years ago that the railroad still flourished in Utah. Of course the 1860s duel between the Union Pacific and Denver & Rio Grande railroads is legendary history that built thousands of miles of rail through the toughest land in America.
The physical reminders of this history on our landscape are both grand -- such as the Union Pacific and Rio Grande depots -- and less amazing -- such as the box culverts that carried numerous tracks over creeks and streams. But between the grand and the less amazing are incredibly important structures of the everyday man in our city, largely misunderstood and underrepresented.
These include the buildings of the Denver & Rio Grande railroad shops, round house and freight yards, all built by 1910.
As late as 1951, the workingman's section of the D&RG included a boiler/engine shop, balsam shop, round house and turntable, and two freight houses. Located between 200 and 400 South, and 600 West and I-15, this section today only includes three buildings -- one of the two freight houses and the two-building boiler/engine shop. While the south section of the freight house has been renovated into the Intermodal Hub at Salt Lake Central Station, the freight house's north section and boiler/engine shop have been targeted for demolition by its owner, UTA.

read more HERE!!

What you can do:

1) Write to UTA Director John Inglish and let him know that these buildings are crucial for the Westside of Salt Lake City, and that UTA should adhere to their environmental policy to reduce, reuse, and recycle materials through historic preservation.
John Inglish, Director
Utah Transit Authority
3600 South 700 West
Salt Lake City, UT 84119

2) Email Salt Lake City Mayor Ralph Becker and let him know that the city’s partnership to with UTA and historic preservation organizations is crucial to seeing that these important structures are adaptively reused and integrated into the Westside’s development, and that without them the Gateway Neighborhood does not become a unique destination to live in or visit for residents, commuters, or visitors.

For more information, click HERE!!!

Flag Highlights: How To Display the Flag--part 2

We will be offering a series of blogs that highlight different traditions, facts and important information about the United States Flag.
These informational facts were taken from a Brochure published in 1966 and found at the Daughters of the Utah Pioneer Museum located next to the Utah State Capitol building.


with other flags

When a number of flags are grouped and displayed from staffs, the flag of the United States should be in the center or at the highest point of the group, as illustrated. When it is displayed with any other flag against a wall or in the open, from crossed staffs, the flag of the United States should be on the right, the flag's own right, and its staff should be in front of the staff of the other flag, as shown in the illustration.

All words, grammar and word usage, has been taken directly from this 1966 brochure.

Thursday, December 17, 2009

History Facts: From Arsenal Hill to Capitol Hill

In 1911, the Capitol Commission, created to oversee the building of the State Capitol, focused their efforts on choosing the location of the building.
They contracted one of the most celebrated landscape design firms in the country - the Olmsted Brothers of Brookline, Massachusetts. John C. Olmsted, the son of famed landscape architect Fred Olmsted, visited Salt Lake City. He drew a group of potential plans to transform what was then known as Arsenal Hill (the site of local munitions storage) to the Capitol Hill that we know today. Capitol architect Richard K.A. Kletting drew the final landscape plans and work on the Capitol commenced in 1912. Financial difficulties prevented the realization of Kletting’s original plans for the complex. Yet today some of the central elements of his initial designs are realized through the Capitol Preservation Project.

Read more of the story HERE!

Flag Highlights: How To Display the Flag--part 1

We will be offering a series of blogs that highlight different traditions, facts and important information about the United States Flag.
These informational facts were taken from a Brochure published in 1966 and found at the Daughters of the Utah Pioneer Museum located next to the Utah State Capitol building.

at Half-Staff

When flown at half-staff, the flag is first hoisted to the peak of the staff and then lowered to half-staff. Before lowering the flag for the day it is again raised to the peak and then lowered. On Memorial Day, the flag is displayed at half-staff from sunrise until noon and at full-staff from noon until sunset.

All words, grammar and word usage, has been taken directly from this 1966 brochure.

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Choir Creates Art with their Beautiful Voices

View more of these videos on our Youtube HERE!!

Flag Highlights: Flag Etiquette

We will be offering a series of blogs that highlight different traditions, facts and important information about the United States Flag.
These informational facts were taken from a Brochure published in 1966 and found at the Daughters of the Utah Pioneer Museum located next to the Utah State Capitol building.


-It is the universal custom to display the flag only from sunrise to sunset on buildings and on stationary flagstaffs in the open. However, the flag may be displayed at night upon special occasions when it is desired to produce a patriotic effect.

-The flag should be hoisted briskly and lowered ceremoniously.

-The flag should be displayed daily, weather permitting, on or near the main administration building of every public institution.

-The flag should be displayed in or near every polling place on election day and should be displayed during school days in or near every schoolhouse.

-No other flag or pennant should be placed above or, if on the same level, to the right of the flag of the United States of America, except during church services conducted by naval chaplains at sea, when the church pennant may be flown above the flag during church services for the personnel of the Navy.

-The flag should form a distinctive feature of the ceremony of unveiling a statue or monument, but it should never be used as the covering for the statue or monument.

-The flag, when flown at half-staff, should be first hoisted to the peak for an instant and then lowered to the half-staff position. The flag should be again raised to the peak before it is lowered for the day.

-"half-staff" is means lowering the flag to one-hour the distance between the top and bottom of the staff.

-That no disrespect should be shown to the flag of the United Stated of America, the flag should not be dipped to any person or thing. Regimental colors, State flags, and organization or institutional flags are to be dipped as a mark of honor.

-The flag should never be displayed with the union down save as a signal of dire distress.

-The flag should never touch anything beneath it, such as the ground, the floor or water.

-The flag should never be carried flat or horizontally, but always aloft and free.

-The flag should never be used as a drapery of any sort whatsoever, never festooned, drawn back, nor up, in folds, but always allowed to fall free.

-Bunting of blue, white and red always arranged with the blue above the white in the middle and the red below, should be used for covering a speaker's desk, draping the front of the platform and for decorations in general.

-During the ceremony of hoisting or lowering the flag or when the flag is passing in a parade or in a review, all persons present should face the flag, stand at attention, and salute. Those present in uniform should render the military salute. When not in uniform, men should remove the head-dress withe the right hand holding it at left shoulder, the hand being over the heart. Men without hats should salute in the same manner. Aliens should stand at attention. Women should salute by placing the right hand over the heart.

-When the National Anthem is played and the flag is not displayed, all present should stand and face toward the music. Those in uniform should saute at the first note of the anthem, retaining this position until the last note. All others should stand at attention, men removing their head-dress. When the flag is displayed, all present should face the flag and salute.

All words, and word usage, as been taken directly from this 1966 brochure.

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Utah Press Association Case is here!

This case is located on the Basement level of the Utah State Capitol next to the Legislative Printing office and the Northwest public elevator. It tells the story of all newspapers created and established in Utah.

These pictures highlight the case.

Letters of Correspondence from 1909

Read these historical letters between Governor Spry and the Adjutant General of Utah.
These letters discuss the making of the Utah State Flag for the U.S.S. Utah Battleship.
Each letter was found at the Utah State Archives. We would like to thank them for their help in our upcoming Utah in the Union exhibit.

Monday, December 14, 2009

History in the News: Utah woman blazed trail in state politics

By Marc Haddock
Deseret News

In 1896, Martha Hughes Cannon spent a total of $35 in the campaign that led to her election as a member of Utah's fledgling state Senate.
It was a seminal moment in U.S. politics. In that election, Cannon became the first woman in America to be elected to any state senate. The fact that she defeated her husband in the election made her victory part of Utah's folklore.
As a pioneer doctor, a champion of public health, and a polygamist's wife who was also a leader in the suffragist movement, Cannon carved out a unique place in the annals of the state's history.
The Martha Hughes Cannon Health Building was dedicated in her honor in 1986. An eight-foot bronze statue of her was installed in the Utah Capitol Rotunda in 1996, 100 years after her path-breaking election. The statue was recently re-installed on the Capitol grounds following the building renovation.
Photo researcher Ron Fox has culled the newspaper and other photo archives, and many of those photos can now be seen at the newspaper's Web site,
Martha Maria Hughes was 2 years old when her family converted to The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and emigrated from Wales to New York. A year later the family crossed the Plains to Salt Lake City, burying Mattie's 21-month-old sister in an unmarked grave beside the trail. Her father died days after reaching Salt Lake City in September of 1861.
Martha Hughes was working as a schoolteacher at the age of 14 and worked her way through the University of Deseret as a typesetter for the Deseret Evening News and the Women's Exponent, an LDS Relief Society magazine.
After two years of pre-med studies, she was blessed and set apart by President John Taylor of the LDS Church to study medicine and headed off to the University of Michigan, where she graduated with a medical degree on her 23rd birthday, July 1, 1880. She studied for two more years, earning a degree in pharmacy and oratory.

See more pictures and read more of the story HERE!

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

more in the News: Utah Capitol architect resigning

ABC 4 News

The executive director and architect of the Capitol Preservation Board is resigning. David Hart, who oversaw the $250 million renovation of the Utah Capitol, announced his resignation Tuesday.
Hart's last day will be Dec. 31.
He is leaving his job to join MOCA Systems, a Boston-based project management company, as a vice president and regional manager.
The company is opening a Salt Lake office and is expected to help build the federal government's nearly $2 billion spy center planned for Camp Williams.
Capitol Preservation Board spokeswoman Allyson Gamble will serve as interim director.

read more HERE!!

Big News: Utah Capitol renovation director quits!!!!

By Lisa Riley Roche
Deseret News

David Hart, who oversaw the $250 million renovation of the Utah Capitol during his decade with the state, announced his resignation Tuesday.
Hart, executive director and architect of the Capitol Preservation Board, said he joining MOCA Systems, a Boston-based project management company, as a vice president and regional manager.
The company is opening a Salt Lake office and reportedly will help with construction of the federal government's nearly $2 billion spy center planned for Camp Williams.
"I realized all the goals I had set had been achieved," Hart said. The Capitol renovation, which took four years, included a massive earthquake retrofit of the granite building.
Tuesday, he told board members, including leaders of all three branches of government, that they have reached an "important milestone," moving from renovators to preservationists.
After a closed session, the board appointed its spokeswoman, Allyson Gamble, to be interim director during a review of how the statehouse complex is run.
"We realize this is a change in direction, and we want to make sure we get it right," said the board's chairman, Lt. Gov. Greg Bell. The review could take several months, he said.
Although there has been some talk of changing the structure of the board, Bell said he doubted that would be recommended. Instead, he said, the review will focus on the role of the executive director and other staff.

read more of the story HERE!!

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

The Utah State Capitol Commission by Richard Tholen

In 1909, acting as president of the duly authorized Capitol Commission, Utah’s
Governor William Spry issued the proclamation naming the commission members who
would ultimately preside at the 1916 ceremonies opening the Utah State Capitol.

The proclamation began: “WHEREAS, Under the provisions of Section 1, of
Chapter 64, Laws of Utah, 1909, the Governor is directed to appoint a Commission to
be known as the Capitol Commission . . . ” With that preamble, the governor announced
the other members of the seven-man Commission:
• Secretary of State C.S. Tingey
• Attorney General A.R. Barnes
• Apostle John Henry Smith of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day
Saints and president of the Utah Constitutional Convention in 1895
• Mr. John Dern, banker and leading Salt Lake businessman
• Mr. C.E. Loose, Provo banker and a owner of mining and industrial
• Mr. M.S. Browning, vice president of Ogden’s Browning Arms Company
The Commission appointed John K. Hardy, the governor's secretary, as "Acting
Secretary." David Mattson, the newly elected Secretary of State, succeeded C.D. Tingey,
and Anthon H. Lund was appointed to fill the vacancy created by the death of John Henry
Smith. Upon his release as a member of the Commission Mr. Tingey was named its
secretary Acting Secretary John K. Hardy.

Beginning in May of 1911, the Commission met regularly for the next seven years
to oversee numberless studies and proposals, the selection of an architect and other
contractors, the contracts for all participants, and enough acrimonious disputes to satisfy
even the most feisty politico. For example, only four months after the first meeting the
Commission published a Program of Competition for the selection of an architect.

The Commission served at its own expense with the exception of their secretary,
who received a modest $100.0T0 per month stipend. That amount was later increased to
$150.00 per month. Secretary Tingey kept meticulous minutes of the meetings. The record
provides a fascinating glimpse into history.

Just two and one half years from laying the cornerstone the Commission was ready
for a formal grand opening on October 9, 1916. In the evening a general public reception
was held – the guests being received by the governor and members of the Commission in
the State Reception Room. Estimates of attendance at the festivities put the number at thirty
thousand guests were received.

The Capitol Commission met for the last time on December 29, 1916, and Secretary
Tingey, presented its biennial report." Copies of the last annual report, dated January 4
1917, (when the Legislature convened) were to be bound, prepared and delivered to the
members. The minutes of that late December meeting are the last entry in more than 545
pages of commission minutes. They illustrate how diligently the Commission had worked.
They were and were faithful overseers of every aspect of Utah’s beautiful, new State

U.S.S. Utah event on the Utah State Capitol's Facebook

Click HERE to see the Utah State Capitol's Facebook event page!

What it says:

U.S.S. Utah Closing Soon!!!
The FREE U.S.S. Utah exhibit will be coming to an end in December. This exhibit, located on the fourth floor of the Utah State Capitol building, celebrates the history and significance of one of the most famous battleships at Pearl Harbor. With beautiful display cases containing newspapers, clothing, battleship artifacts, and miniature replicas, as well as walls covered with historical photographs of the ship and its people, there is something for everyone. Make sure you make it up to the Capitol to see this historically powered exhibit before it closes!

Capitol Preservation Board meeting

The Capitol Preservation Board meeting will take place at 2:30 p.m. in the Utah State Capitol complex Board Room located on the East side of the Rotunda.
The Board, created in 1998 by Utah’s Legislature and Governor Leavitt, is headed by all three branches of government. Namely, the Governor, the Chief Justice, the President of the Senate, and the Speaker of the House (or their appointees), the Attorney General, the State Treasurer, the State Historic Preservation Officer and a number of legislators. Each member of the Board currently serves for the length of their term in office.

Learn more about CPB HERE!!

Monday, December 7, 2009

U.S.S Utah in the News: The forgotten ship

The forgotten ship

Former USS Utah crew members recall lesser known battleship in Pearl Harbor
By Amy Joi O'Donoghue
Deseret News

One hundred years ago she was the belle of Utah's ball, the largest and most powerful battleship in the world, launched in New York on Dec. 23, 1909 with these words: "I christen thee Utah! Godspeed!"
Thirty-two years later on Dec. 7, two torpedoes struck the USS Utah at Pearl Harbor and within minutes she rolled over on her side, taking some of her crew to rest with her forever.
As the decades passed, a solemn tribute to the horrific nature of the attack and the sacrifices of that infamous day was erected over the tomb of the USS Arizona, which would become the Pearl Harbor National Monument.
But on the opposite side of Ford Island rests the rusted hull of the USS Utah, which over the years has been termed "The Forgotten Ship."
Four men who have lived a total of 349 years on Earth ventured to the state of Utah earlier this year to remember what many have forgotten.
In the halls of the state Capitol, where an exhibit celebrates the life and times of the USS Utah, they talked of how good it was to see each other again, and how few they have become.
The four are among 30 or so men left from the 461 survivors of the assault on the 21,825-ton ship.
They felt her shudder from the torpedoes and watched tables, chairs, salt shakers and sugar bowls slide across the floor when she began to list.

Read more of the story HERE!!

Art & Architecture: The Man with the Plan

Richard K.A. Kletting, the building’s chief architect, designed the Utah State Capitol in 1911 as a part of a competition between many premier architects of his time. Considered by many as the “Dean of Utah Architecture,” Kletting designed many other prominent local buildings such as Saltair and the Salt Palace. He was born July 1, 1858 in Wurttemberg, Germany and traveled to the United States with two of his brothers in 1883. Kletting came to Salt Lake City unintentionally when he followed his bags from his scheduled stop in Denver. He was hired by an architectural firm the day after he arrived.

Read more HERE!

Volunteer to be a Capitol Docent

The Visitor Services Center at the Utah State Capitol would love your help! Volunteer docents lead visitors through the Capitol on exciting, creative tours. Volunteering as a docent is a wonderful opportunity to learn about the Capitol and the activities that occur on Capitol Hill. Volunteers also provide a wonderful service to the community. To find out more about volunteering at the Capitol please call 538-1800 or send an e-mail to
Click HERE for more info.

Thursday, December 3, 2009

More about U.S.S. Utah!!

U.S.S. Utah Exhibit Opens at the Capitol

A special exhibit about the U.S.S. Utah opened on March 9, 2009 at the Capitol and will remain there until December 7, 2009. The exhibit is the first of its type since the re-opening of the Capitol in January of 2008. It is an effort of the Capitol Preservation Board staff, the Fort Douglas Military Museum, and interested individuals. Its opening marks the U.S.S. Utah’s 100th anniversary year. The production of the exhibit was sponsored by a generous contribution from, a part of the Generations Network.

The original design of the Capitol included gallery space for exhibitions mounted by the Utah Art Institute. The law governing the Institute was a bill referred to simply as the Art Bill of 1899. Written and sponsored by Alice Merrill Horne, the bill created a mechanism, the first in the country, for sponsoring arts education in schools. It also made provision for sponsoring artists in Utah by purchasing and exhibiting the visual arts. The galleries on the Fourth Floor were designed, together with a Board Room, for the Art Institute. As part of the renovation of the Capitol, the Fourth Floor Galleries will feature rotating exhibits, some curated by the Capitol Preservation Board Office staff, some by visiting and collaborating museums and individuals. All exhibits will feature educator materials for pre- and post-visit (as well as classroom) activities for 4th and 7th graders whose curricula includes Utah History and Civics. This exhibit opens that program.

Read more HERE!!