All words, grammar and word usage, has been taken directly from this 1966 brochure.
Back of card reads:
The ship as completed in late 1911 USN Photo
The 1st page text reads:
Utah, we Love Thee
By Edward H. Anderson
The Legislative Assembly of the State of Utah adopted early in February, 1917, Professor Evan Stephen's "Utah, We Love Thee," as the official song of the State of Utah. It is twenty-one years since Utah entered the Union of states, and this song was especially composed for the inaugural exercises in the Salt Lake Tabernacle which signalized the admission of the state of Utah into the Union, January 6, 1896. At that time the author directed a chorus of one thousand voices, in the singing.
Professor Stephens met the writer of this note on the 10th of February, last, and on being questioned as to his health, he said he was particularly happy that day, as he was just on his way to the capitol to witness the proceedings and hear the adoption of his "Utah, We Love Thee" as the official song of the state. He said that the idea of this song came to him as far back as 1893 when, it will be remembered, the Tabernacle choir was on its way to the World's Fair, in Chicago. It then dawned on him that Utah had no song of her own, nor even one that could be sung in her favor at the exposition. On his return he began the composition of the words and music which were adopted by the late legislature of Utah's official hymn.
After the state inaugural exercises, held in the Tabernacle, at which many thousands of people heard the composition, it became popular in all public audiences, and was sung not only in the public schools, Sunday schools and other...
All text and grammar comes directly from the publication.